The Anawim Way

The Anawim Community publishes a periodical booklet of liturgical meditations, Pondering The Word The Anawim Way, to help people make use of the scripture readings from the Mass as the basis for their daily prayer. Many people also use them in their Bible sharing groups.

◊ Follows the Church’s daily liturgical calendar
◊ Daily scripture readings from the Mass
◊ In-depth meditations on the readings; plus reflection questions
◊ Information on the Saint of the day
◊ Used by bishops, priests, religious, and lay people in many countries (click here to see endorsements)
◊ Eight issues per year
◊ Printed in the Philippines

Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

God’s original intention in creating us was that we may share in a blessed communion of life and love with him and with others. In this life of communion we should be able to hear God who unceasingly communicates his love to us, and then, in return, sing his praises, glorifying his Holy Name and proclaiming to everyone his mighty deeds. Unfortunately, the...

Twenty-Second Week in Ordinary Time

In today’s Gospel Jesus accuses the Pharisees and scribes of treating their religious traditions as more important than the law of God. “You disregard God’s commandment but cling to human tradition.” The human traditions they so rigidly observed had become quite numerous and burdensome, and the practice of religion itself had taken on a life of its own, far removed...

Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

Following Jesus involves decisions. We may not notice this when the way seems easy, when we have joyful fellowship, spiritual consolations, and approval from the world. But since Jesus calls us to follow him on the “narrow way” that leads to Heaven (cf. Mt 7:13-14), at times the need for clear decisions becomes obvious and challenging. Our flesh will want to know in...

Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sunday after Sunday, perhaps even daily, we receive the Holy Eucharist, the Source and Summit of our Catholic faith (cf. CCC 1324). Have we ever considered the question the Jews quarrel about in today’s Gospel, namely, “How can this man give us his flesh to eat?” Have we challenged ourselves to “advance in the way of understanding”? Today’s readings give us an...

Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The readings for today’s glorious feast, the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, offer us an opportunity to look back into salvation history to an earlier event in Mary’s life, the Visitation, and to the “great sign” in the sky in the Book of Revelation, and to the glory of Christ’s Resurrection. These readings are like signposts, directing us along the course of...

What makes the Anawim Way a valuable guide for pondering the daily scripture readings is that each day’s readings are followed by a meditation which relates directly to the readings and applies them to our daily lives.

The meditations and the reflection questions help us do what our Blessed Mother Mary does, ponder the mysteries of Christ in our hearts (cf. Luke 2:19, 51). As we are guided to pray from within the heart of the Church, the Church’s official prayer becomes our personal prayer.

We invite you to make Pondering the Word the Anawim Way a part of your prayer life.

We also offer a PDF version of the Anawim Way. Please email us at if you wish to inquire about this.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions, or for more information about the Anawim Way.